Religious Life of the College
Religion is taught across all grades. The Junior Religion Program covers four strands; sacred texts, beliefs, church, and Christian life.
All senior students study Catholic Faith in Action as part of the Senior Religion Program. The Catholic Faith in Action Program (CFiA) has been developed around four overarching profound questions: Who am I? Who is God? What does it mean to be human? and What is Truth? Each profound question is broken down into practical components allowing students to actively engage with their community. The senior program also offers several different courses as elective subjects; Studies of Religion and Religion and Ethics.
Good Counsel College has many liturgies and masses through out the school year both at Mother of Good Counsel Church, in the Champagnat Centre, as well as on retreats. Students and staff engage with prayer throughout the day in religion classes, homeroom and at the commencement of Period 3 and 5, as well as in our chapel. Students and staff lead prayer at assemblies and are actively involved in our efforts to make the world a better place through mission and outreach and well as the learning and implementing the Catholic Social Teachings. Final graduation ceremonies include a farewell mass for Year 12 in the last week of their schooling.

We acknowledge the First Nations peoples of Australia, the traditional custodians of the land, seas, skies and waterways on which we reside, work, travel and meet. We pay our respect to First Nations elders past, present, and emerging, and support the Uluru Statement From The Heart. We acknowledge that the land, seas, skies and waterways of Australia were, are and always will be, that of the First Nations peoples.