Mission & Outreach
Good Counsel College is committed to living out our Catholic Identity through meaningful mission and outreach initiatives. Social justice is at the heart of our values, as we strive to make a positive impact both locally and globally.
Throughout the year, we actively engage in various social justice initiatives that embody our dedication to serving others. Our college community rallies together to support important causes such as the Caritas Lenten Appeal, St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal, and St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. These initiatives allow us to extend our assistance to those in need, providing essential resources, warmth, and comfort.
In addition to these regular appeals, we remain responsive to emerging needs and opportunities as they arise. This includes supporting initiatives such as the Vinnies Winter Sleepout, bushfire appeals, Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, Relay for Life, Socktober, Do-It-In-A-Dress, drought appeals, environmental initiatives, and recycling campaigns. By participating in these events, we demonstrate our commitment to addressing diverse social issues and creating positive change in our community.
Our students actively seek opportunities to educate others and contribute to the betterment of society. Every second year, selected students have the privilege of attending the Christian Youth Ignite Conference, a transformative four-day experience that offers real-world formation, faith encouragement, and powerful worship.

We acknowledge the First Nations peoples of Australia, the traditional custodians of the land, seas, skies and waterways on which we reside, work, travel and meet. We pay our respect to First Nations elders past, present, and emerging, and support the Uluru Statement From The Heart. We acknowledge that the land, seas, skies and waterways of Australia were, are and always will be, that of the First Nations peoples.