Fees & Levies
School fees are set by Catholic Education Services and are subject to revision each year.
The funding of Catholic schools is a shared responsibility between governments, parents and the diocese. The continuing financial support of parents is greatly appreciated and is essential to help fund the shortfall between the basic costs of running a school and the amount funded by governments.
School fees comprise tuition fees, as well as levies, which may include items such as a Building Levy, Subject Levies and Resource Levy.
Catholic schools strive to keep fees and levies as low as possible. Some parents are pleasantly surprised by the cost of Catholic schools in comparison with independent and private schools, and even Catholic schools in southern capitals.
Family discounts apply for families with more than one child attending Catholic schools in the Diocese of Cairns. Cairns Catholic Education also offers a means-tested concession card discount. Holders of a current Australian government health care or pensioner concession card are eligible to receive a 70% discount to tuition fees (does not apply to school levies).
Card holders are required to advise the school of their concession card at enrolment or when the card is gained. Once the card is sighted by the school’s administration, tuition fees for future terms only will be adjusted. This scheme is intended to assist those families who genuinely do not have the financial capacity to pay tuition fees in full.
Enrolment will not be granted unless a commitment to pay school fees and levies is given. If parents have any doubts concerning payment of school fees, this matter should be raised at the enrolment interview. However, in keeping with Gospel values, no child will be refused a Catholic education due to genuine financial difficulty which has been verified by the school.
New or existing parents who find themselves in this situation and who do not hold a concession card, are encouraged to discuss fee concessions directly with the principal or parish priest to apply for special consideration. This request will be treated with understanding, sensitivity and confidentiality.
It is our experience that families who are struggling financially are faithful in paying a contribution to the college to whatever extent they can afford. It is the expectation that families with the capacity to contribute do so, so that as near to possible to full realisation of this income source can be achieved.
The college Principal should be contacted should you experience difficulties meeting your fee payments. If no advice is given to the Principal, and a family neglects to pay the agreed fees, following written notification, possible recovery action will be considered.
Accounts for school tuition fees and levies are issued each term and the payment due date is printed on the Parent Statement of Account. This due date is 14 days from the date of invoicing. There are several methods of fee payment and they are listed on your statement.
If you have any queries, or need assistance in calculating payment plans, please contact the college Accounts Team on gcc.accounts@cns.catholic.edu.au or phone 4063 5300 (select Option 2).

We acknowledge the First Nations peoples of Australia, the traditional custodians of the land, seas, skies and waterways on which we reside, work, travel and meet. We pay our respect to First Nations elders past, present, and emerging, and support the Uluru Statement From The Heart. We acknowledge that the land, seas, skies and waterways of Australia were, are and always will be, that of the First Nations peoples.